PDC 2014 Community Spotlight Discussion

Join this year’s Permaculture Design Certification class as they welcome Jonathan Storvick and Danylo Kosovych of Organic Edible Gardens for an exclusive event open to the community. Organic Edible Gardens LLC is a Permaculture-based business working on the ground in our nation’s capital region and striving to make a positive impact on our cultural and environmental ecosystems.
What: The Organic Edible Gardens team will present the details of their initial formation and subsequent adaptation in order to succeed as a business in tough economic climates and fill a niche in the competitive landscape industry. Examples will be shown of current gardening practices and services as well as their direct effects upon the physical and social landscapes. They will discuss design methodology, ecosystem dynamics, plant guilds appropriate to the Mid-Atlantic region, and elements of design for creating resilient and sustainable perennial polycultures.
When: Tuesday, March 11th
Where: University Hall room 1200
Who: Mason and non-Mason community members welcome

Jonathan Storvick is a horticulturist and landscape designer with Organic Edible Gardens LLC in Arlington, VA. He earned his Permaculture Design Certificate in 2009 and has studied with Edible Forest Gardens authors Dave Jacke and Eric Toensmeier. He has contributed literature survey research to a forthcoming book on coppice agroforestry, and is currently developing a permaculture homestead and nursery business.

Danylo Kosovych is the owner of Organic Edible Gardens LLC. He has a M.A. in Anthropology from George Mason University. His thesis focused on western participation in Amazonian plant based medicine. He earned his Permaculture Design Certificate from Wayne Weisman of The Permaculture Project. Danylo is a NOFA Accredited Organic Land Care Professional.
*Contact Danielle at dwyman@gmu.edu for more details or to RSVP*