Edible Landscape in Sun and Shade

Copyright 2014 Organic Edible Gardens LLC

Edible Landscape in Sun and Shade

An edible and medicinal understory and pond designed for a shady back yard full of mature hardwoods. A small sunny patch in the front gave way to edible ground covers, perennials, berries and fruit trees. The front downspouts are piped into two rain gardens, one in the shade the other in the sun. The rain garden in the shade is full of moisture loving woodland medicinals, while the rain garden in the sun contains native insect attracting perennial flowers. Species include: Pawpaw, Fig, Peach, Aronia, Spicebush, Clove Currant, Elderberry, Blueberry, Yarrow, Anise Hyssop, Wild Ginger, Asparagus, Black Cohosh, Strawberry, Goldenseal, Ostrich Fern, American Lotus, May Apple, Giant Solomon’s Seal among multiple other soil building, insectary, and native plants.

Dog Friendly Landscape Design


Dog Friendly Landscape Design

©2014 Organic Edible Gardens LLC

The homeowners have two large dogs in a small back yard in Arlington.  We designed the landscape to allow the dogs to run the perimeter and guard their territory. Plantings are in slightly raised beds surrounded by stone. Species include Apple, Serviceberry, Swiss Stone Pine, culinary herbs, Prickly Pear Cactus and various soil building and insectary plants.

Permaculture Paradise

Permaculture Paradise


This was a really fun project – edible forest gardens, mandala gardens, meditation area, plants for the chickens, and TONS of beautiful, pollinator-attracting flowers everywhere. These were really fun clients to work with, very committed to regenerating the land, being good stewards, and growing their own healthy food in abundance.  This will truly be a permaculture paradise!